Oilfield Prairie Grass, 6 Types (2024)
These six cuttings of prairie grass and sagebrush were taken from oilfield sites across the Permian Basin region of West Texas. Though resilient, the shortgrass prairies of West Texas have seen constant degradation, plowed under for crops or bulldozed for drilling sites, opening space for invasion by mesquite and thorny shrubs.
11x14 inch Archival Inkjet Prints
Installation: 6 Prints in Site Specific Sequence
These six cuttings of prairie grass and sagebrush were taken from oilfield sites across the Permian Basin region of West Texas. Though resilient, the shortgrass prairies of West Texas have seen constant degradation, plowed under for crops or bulldozed for drilling sites, opening space for invasion by mesquite and thorny shrubs.
11x14 inch Archival Inkjet Prints
Installation: 6 Prints in Site Specific Sequence